Self Diagnosis

Since thirty percent of the people who clench and grind their teeth are not aware they're doing it, it's important that the signs of this disorder be recognized during routine visits to the dentist, or through self-examination.


What should you look for? Click on the photos to enlarge.


1.  Overall Appearance
     Enlarged muscles on the sides of the face

 2.  Soft Tissue Changes
      Receding tissue around the necks of the teeth

3.  Dentition 

  • Flattened posterior teeth
  • Shortened front teeth 
  • Dulling of the tips of the cuspids 
  • Perfectly formed dimples in the biting (occlusal) surface of the posterior teeth
  • Wedge-shaped defects usually found at the necks of the teeth.

4. Bone

While bone around a tooth may deteriorate due to the excessive pressure of DCS, the opposite effect can also occur. 

It is not unusual to see areas of bony projections form under the tongue, on the roof of the mouth, or around the roots of teeth.

The reason this happens is because teeth and bone are composed of collagen, which when compressed due to DCS creates an electric (piezoelectric) effect, which in turn stimulates bone growth.

5.  Occlusal Dimples 

Thse Highly Polished appearance of these unique cavications may be due to the positive ions emitted from focal points of high stress